Forest Pathways Report and Forest Declaration Assessment 2023 Launch and Embargoed Briefing

Media Contact

Embargoed Press Call

Date: 19 October 2023, 10:00 a.m. EDT // 3:00 p.m. BST // 4:00 p.m. CEST
Transcript: Link here
Media Advisory: Link here

**There was also a separate briefing geared to UK media taking place on October 19th, at 4:00 p.m. BST // 5:00 p.m. CEST. To request the recording, please contact [email protected]

Forest Declaration Assessment 2023

Launched in 2015, the Forest Declaration Assessment provides objective data on the performance of countries, companies, financial institutions and others in keeping their forest protection pledges. Central to this year’s report is an assessment of the success or failure to date of the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use — a prominent 2021 pledge by 143 countries to end forest loss and degradation by 2030.  

The Assessment will go live at this link at the embargo lift:

Forest Declaration Assessment- Embargoed Designed 

WWF's Forest Pathways Report

Launching on 24th October 2023 (at 12:01 a.m. BST), WWF’s Forest Pathways Report is the first ever comprehensive global blueprint on how to bring our forests back to life. It is the first in a series which will launch periodically between now and 2030 and will outline how we move away from failure and towards meeting our global forest goals, sharing stories of where progress is being made along the way. 

To access the Forest Pathways report and/or for further information on global recommendations and findings, or to request an interview with WWF International spokespeople, please reach out to [email protected]. For UK-specific information and/ or recommendations, please email [email protected]


Forest Declaration Assessment, 2023

Erin Matson is a Senior Consultant at Climate Focus. She co-coordinates the annual New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF) Progress Assessment, a collective effort of 28 research organizations and NGOs who track progress toward global forest goals. A former organic urban farmer, Erin has over a decade’s experience in sustainable food systems. Her work focuses on sustainable supply chains, climate and forest policy, and forest conservation and restoration.

**Experts on South America and Southeast Asia are also available for comment, as well as experts on deforestation, supply chain issues, human rights, corporate action IPLC issues and more. To set up an interview, please write to Florence Wood at [email protected].

WWF's Forest Pathway's Report

For information on spokespeople available for interview, please email [email protected]

Forest Pathways Visual Assets Gallery

Please note: Captions for visual assets here. Please scroll through gallery to view all assets.

0 Credit: WWF
Caption: What journey have global forests been on from COP26 to COP28? Our forests from Glasgow to Dubai remain under pressure despite multiple goals, pledges and promises.
1 Credit: WWF
Caption: The forest checkerboard represents the pathways through elements of trade, finance and policy threats to forest goals. We know what the pathways to protect, restore and sustainably manage forests are and what needs to be done to scale them up.
2 Credit: WWF
Caption: The Pathways infographic summarises, on the left-hand side, the multiple threats to meeting global forest commitments and how positive momentum is building. On the right-hand side the pathways to meeting global forest goals are laid out and what progress is needed to move along the pathways to protect, restore and sustainably manage forests globally.
3 Credit: WWF
The Forest Species Stripes. Caption: The Forest Stripes, Population abundance of species that rely on forests, 79% average decline 1970 to 2018. The Forest Specialists Index measures the change in average population abundance of monitored species which strongly depend on forest habitats. The image shows the change in the index between 1970 and 2018, which gives an average decline in relative abundance of 79%, from 1,428 forest specialist populations monitored in 346 species. The Forest Stripes are a collaboration between WWF, the University of Reading, University of Derby and ZSL, the Zoological Society of London, as part of the wider Climate Stripes family (biodiversity /

Additional Resources

Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests and Land Use (2021)

Forest Declaration Assessment (2022)