Super Stories: The Hidden Link to What Makes Superbowl Sunday Great
I’m a football fanatic. Superbowl Sunday is the ultimate fan experience—and it’s even sweeter if your team lands in the big game. Unfortunately like me, my Washington Redskins enjoyed the game from their living rooms. But no matter where your allegiance lies, there’s more to the Superbowl than the game itself. Sure, the commercials are fun. But ever notice the hours of storytelling that lead up to the game? They’re stories about the history of the teams, background of the coaches, growing pains and successes from the star players, celebrity fans weighing in—all told to lure you in and hold your attention. This is like anything else. Stories make people feel invested. They answer the “why should I care” question and drive your point home, about a person, a place, new research…yourself. Don’t forget that there’s power in it, and it’s a great way to bring your audience in…if only for a moment. Check out these stories from the NFL for a sample.