
Words Imitating Art

Today marks the second anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, and next week the Supreme Court will hear arguments on the constitutionality of the law. In this election season, we’re bound to hear references about how monumental—or detrimental—health care reform has been. But no matter what side of the political aisle you sit, it’s hard to argue with the effectiveness of this compelling animated video by the Center for American Progress.

What’s so special about it? It uses the unique format of illustration to simplify a complex concept—much like an editorial cartoon. This video:

  • Delivers four crisp, clear messages about what health care reform will do.

  • Makes comparisons with easy, digestible images and language (spinach and dessert).

  • Clarifies what health care reform is and isn’t, and what it does and doesn’t do.

  • Is innovative! In this video, the rationale for health reform literally jumps off the page.
